wanted to race Ironman Texas?
Well, forget it for next year....cause it's sold out. I can't really say I was on the verge of signing up....but I was strongly considering it....and BOOM, it was gone.
See, next year was a non IM year for me.....but that lasts only up until people start talking about Ironman racing....then the wheels turn and....well, you know how it goes. Now, for the most part, the IM races I would consider doing are closed....except Louisville and Cozumel. It's not likely I'll go back to L'ville again and Cozumel sounds like a pain in the ass to get to and manage your diet (since a ton of people got food poisoning right after this year's race). So what's left?
Well, my annual race calendar looks full....right now I've got Texas 70.3 and SOMA as definites on there.....and Buffalo Springs with a bit of a question mark. If you add in the local races, new open water series events in NM and the Tough Mudder, it looks solid. But my plan other than that is pretty simple.
Keep my fitness level high....high enough that if I decide to jump into a longer race, I can do it with minimal changes to my training. I'll see how the year goes, how work goes, how my family times goes....and if I spot a race that looks tempting I'll consider doing it.
What races? Well, hell...there are a ton now. OK City Redman, Beach 2 Battleship, Louisville, Cozumel, the Rev 3 full race....all IM distances.
As I'm writing this I'm pretty sure I won't do that....but it will be nice to have the option. In case you missed it, cost about $725 to register for IM AZ with the processing fee.....that's insane. But...triathletes are insane anyway.
In other news....I must be getting either older, smarter, or both. I've had 3 bit chances to JUMP into making snap decisions like I did all my life. I carefully considered IMAZ and IMTX and waited too long on both. Michi and I are discussing a new puppy to join our household and I'm putting careful thought to that too. I'm not used to this the way the rest of the world lives?
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